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  • 為什么初中要回老家讀


  • 孩子高考必須回原籍嗎


  • 過去家鄉(xiāng)樹木成林英語翻譯

    As a child, I remember my hometown being filled with lush green trees. The streets were lined with towering trees that provided shade and shelter. As I grew up, I moved away from my hometown and lived in different cities, but the memories of the green for

  • 關于我的家鄉(xiāng)的英語作文

    As the saying goes, “Home is where the heart is.” My hometown holds a special place in my heart, and I would like to share my experiences and memories with you. From the bustling marketplace to the serene countryside, my hometown is a place that is filled

  • 成都德語培訓:關心家鄉(xiāng)人才政策 奧地利在讀博士為成都高新區(qū)打call創(chuàng)新是

    論壇位于1848年建成的奧地利聯邦商會大廈。大樓入口處的木門傳達了一種厚重的歷史感。奧地利駐華大使館全權使(科技)張超主持了論壇。維也納商會、奧地利研究促進署歐洲和國際項目部、奧地利生物醫(yī)學中心、奧地利駐華大使館科技部等相關機構的負責人出席了活動并發(fā)表了講話。 在論壇增加的成都高新區(qū)海外人才引進交流會議上,成都高新區(qū)相關負責人與奧地利維也納科技協會代表、奧地利中國學生和企業(yè)代表


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