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  • 我們的花園里有一棵樹英語怎么說

    Our garden is a beautiful place full of blossoming flowers, chirping birds, and a magnificent tree. This tree stands tall and proud, its branches reaching for the sky as if trying to touch the heavens. It is the centerpiece of our garden and a source of p

  • 我們的花園里有一棵樹英語翻譯

    Our garden has a tree. It is a beautiful and sturdy tree that stands tall and proud in the center of our garden. Its branches sway gently in the breeze, and its leaves shimmer in the sunlight. The tree is a source of beauty and tranquility for our family,

  • 介紹家人的英語作文

    As a person, family is the most important thing in my life. My family is my support system, my inspiration, and my motivation. In this article, I will introduce you to my family, their personalities, interests, and how they have influenced me.

    my My
  • 英語family手抄報(bào)簡單


  • 畫家庭樹英語手抄報(bào)

    As we journey through life, we may find ourselves curious about our roots and the people who came before us. One way to explore our family history is by creating a family tree. A family tree is a visual representation of our ancestors and their relationsh

  • 陪伴家人英文

    As our lives become increasingly busy, it's easy to forget the importance of spending quality time with our family. However, making the effort to be present and engaged with our loved ones can have a significant impact on our relationships and our overall

  • 英語介紹少年的你


    my My
  • 小孩年輕人的英文單詞


  • 用英語制作自己的家庭樹

    As we grow older, we often become more interested in our family history and genealogy. One way to explore this is by creating a family tree. While this can be done on paper, creating a family tree in English is a great way to practice your language skills

  • 三年級(jí)制作家庭樹英語

    As the third-grade students of our school are learning about family trees in their English class, we decided to delve deeper into this topic and share our insights with you. In this article, we will discuss the importance of family trees, the benefits of


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