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  • 給學(xué)生上課的英語

    As an English teacher, delivering English lessons to students can be challenging, especially for those who are not native speakers of the language. However, it is essential to find effective ways to teach the language to students to help them improve thei

  • 1歲一3歲幼兒英文單詞

    As parents, we all want the best for our children. We want them to learn and grow, and one of the best ways to achieve that is through language development. Learning a second language at a young age can have numerous benefits, including improved cognitive

  • 你對老人好嗎英文

    As society ages, caring for the elderly has become an important issue. Are you kind to the elderly? In this article, we will explore why it is important to be kind to the elderly, and provide some tips on how to do so.

  • 偶像對我的影響英語作文

    As we grow up, we are often influenced by various factors in life, and idols are no exception. Idols are often seen as role models and have a significant impact on our lives, especially in adolescence. In this essay, I will talk about how idols have influ

  • 描述偶像的英語作文九年級

    As a teenager, it is common to have idols or celebrities whom we adore and look up to. They inspire us to pursue our dreams and serve as role models. In this article, we will explore the topic of idols and discuss their impact on our lives.

  • 小學(xué)英語趣味游戲英文版

    As English becomes more and more important in our daily life, parents are paying more attention to their children's English education. However, learning English can be boring for young children, and they may lose interest quickly. To solve this problem, w

  • 與青少年成長有關(guān)的英語詞匯

    As teenagers grow up, they experience a wide range of changes and challenges that shape their lives. Learning English can help them communicate with people from different cultures, access global resources, and pursue academic and career opportunities. In

  • 加油吧騷年用英語怎么說

    Are you a fan of the Chinese catchphrase “加油吧騷年” (jiā yóu ba sāo nián)? Literally translating to “add oil, young man,” it is a popular motivational phrase in China that inspires people to keep pushing and never give up. But how do you say it in English? I

  • 形容偶像的英文句子有哪些


  • 兔子住哪里用英語怎么說

    As the symbol of the Easter holiday, rabbits are cute and lovely. But where do they live? Do they live in holes like in the cartoons? Let's explore where rabbits live in English.


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