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  • 全日制教育的好處和壞處英語

    As a popular way of education, full-time education has been widely adopted by many countries and regions. However, it has also faced criticism and debate. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of full-time education.

  • beautifully


  • 形容少年意氣風發(fā)的英文單詞

    As we look at a young person, we often describe them as being full of youthful spirit. They are enthusiastic, energetic, and optimistic about life. But how do we express this in English? In this article, we will explore some words and phrases that can be

  • 上海全日制英文學校

    As an international student in Shanghai, finding a reputable and effective English school is imperative for academic success as well as personal growth. In this article, we will examine the benefits and advantages of attending a full-time English school i

  • 德語文章:《滿江紅》英譯名居然是“Full River Red?網(wǎng)友

    春節(jié)期間,電影《滿江紅》熱映。與此同時,細心的觀眾發(fā)現(xiàn)《滿江紅》的英譯名居然就是“Full River Red”。 這一直白得有些搞笑的翻譯收獲了一大波吐槽,有網(wǎng)友調(diào)侃稱:“不會是沈騰翻譯的吧!” 但網(wǎng)友經(jīng)過一番考證發(fā)現(xiàn),這個譯名還真不是字幕組胡亂翻譯的。多位知名漢學家都曾使用這個譯文,包括美籍華人漢學家羅郁正 (Ir-


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